Intellectual Property Rights
Richard Nelson LLP’s intellectual property solicitors are able to help businesses and professionals with a range of matters relating to intellectual property rights and disputes. The phrase ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ is used to cover a variety of legal rights which can either arise automatically or be registered in respect of creative works. Listed below are a synopsis of some of those legal rights.
Copyright Law Services
Copyright protects against the copying and unauthorised use of another’s work. Copyright infringement is whether the work being disputed was protected and whether the new work is too similar. It is necessary to be aware of what rights you have when you create original work and how you can stop this from being copied without your consent.
Get in touch with our commercial solicitors if you need further assistance with a copyright case.
Contact UsTrademark law services
A trademark is a symbol, word or words used by a business to distinguish its products or services from those of others. A trademark protects branding for businesses including, but not limited to, product names, logos and trading styles. It is important to register and protect your businesses’ trademark and to understand what rights and remedies are available to you if it is breached.
Trademark owners can apply for a UK trademark. A UK registered trademark is only enforceable in the UK. Registration lasts ten years and is renewable for further ten-year periods.
It is also possible to register trademarks throughout the world. To be registrable, a trademark must be distinctive, capable of being represented graphically, capable of distinguishing goods or services, and not excluded by statute.
Our intellectual property lawyers can work with businesses that need assistance or advice regarding trademarks.
Patent services
Patents relate to inventions. They involve an application being made by an inventor giving them the right to stop anyone else from making, using or selling their invention without their permission.
Patents provide inventors with protection over their inventions and protect new and innovative technical features of products and processes. They last for 20 years in most countries, and any breach can be actioned through the courts.
In order for patent protection to be applicable, an invention must be new, involve an innovative step, be capable of industrial application and not specifically excluded from protection. To obtain a patent, an application needs to be filed with the patent office, typically of the country where the inventor works.
Contact our intellectual property solicitors for more information about patents.
Passing off
Passing off is the wrongful act of misusing the design of a brand. A court is able to protect the business goodwill associated with a particular name or mark used.
There are other aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and it is a complex area of law. Our team of specialists lawyers are able to assist and provide advice should you or your business become the victim of an infringement of Intellectual Property Rights.
For further advice please contact our team on 0333 888 4040.
Richard Nelson LLP’s intellectual property lawyers can assist with a range of related matters, including:
– Copyright
– Trademarks
– Patents
– Passing off
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