Court of Protection Solicitors
Our Court of Protection solicitors can help in instances where the person you care for no longer understands what it means to appoint a Power of Attorney. In this instance, you might need to consider applying to the Court of Protection in order to be granted permission to make decisions on their behalf as a Deputy.
Specialists in Court of Protection support
What can a deputy do?
The role of a Deputy is similar to that of a Power of Attorney. The main difference is that a Deputy is supervised by the Office of the Public Guardian. Any concerns with the appointment of the Deputy, is referred to the Court of Protection for resolution.
The Mental Capacity Act came into force on 1st October 2007 changing the status of the Court of Protection. The Court of Protection exists to follow the statutory framework of the Act in order to safeguard vulnerable people who lack the mental capacity to make decisions for themselves.
How our Court of Protection Solicitors can help
Our solicitors can assist with the following types of matters:
- Make an application to the Court to appoint you or someone close to the incapable person to act as Deputy to manage financial and/or welfare decisions;
- Make applications to the Court that require permission such as selling the incapable person’s home, changing their living arrangements or making third party gifts;
- Emergency application concerning required medical attention or treatment;
- Statutory Will;
- Apply to remove Deputies or Attorneys for failing to carry out their duties;
- Attend cases concerning objections to an appointment of a Deputy;
- Attend cases concerning objections to the registration of a LPA or EPA.
Court of Protection Services.
Get in touch to discuss your case with us and to learn more about how our court of protection solicitors can help you.
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