GCC Registration

It is a criminal offence for anyone in the UK to use the title ‘chiropractor’ or to imply that they are a chiropractor unless they are registered with the GCC.


By law, the GCC check those who apply for GCC registration to make sure that they have a chiropractic qualification, are of good character and are physically and mentally fit.

There are three categories of applicant for registration with the GCC. There are:

- Those who hold a qualification recognised by the GCC;
- Foreign qualified applicants who hold an equivalent qualification and pass a test of competence;
- Those with EC Rights.

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It is important to be honest and open when providing information concerning your fitness to practise to the GCC, as a failure to do so is likely to lead to an allegation of dishonest conduct.

If you have received a conviction, caution, fixed penalty notice or have a fitness to practise history with another regulator/employer, it is likely you will have to provide additional submissions to the Registrar as to why your application should be granted.

The lawyers at Richard Nelson LLP have experience in assisting healthcare professionals in relation to their application for registration and can advise you on the most appropriate way to respond to any queries raised by the GCC. Our lawyers have a particular niche speciality in advising healthcare professionals if they are in a position to rely on EC rights to assist them with gaining registration.

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What We Do

Richard Nelson LLP’s GCC lawyers offer impartial advice on a range of related matters:

GCC Appeals
– GCC Fitness to Practise
GCC Interim Orders
GCC Investigations
– GCC Registration
GCC Review Hearings

Specialist solicitors

Our multidisciplinary team is made up of specialists in a wide range of services, which means you'll always be represented by an expert in your area.

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Get in touch to arrange a no-obligation, fully confidential call to discuss your case and work out if you want to continue.

Nationwide support

Speak to solicitors in one of our offices throughout England and Wales, or arrange calls and remote meetings.


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