SEN Solicitors & EHCPs

Richard Nelson LLP’s specialist SEN Solicitors can help you with all stages of an EHCP application, assessment and appeal as necessary. Their experience in working with the parents of children who have special educational needs means that they can help you reach a resolution much more quickly.


Education, Health & Care Plans

An EHCP can transform a child’s experience of school. Our SEN Solicitors can assist you at every stage of the process and will advise you on the best approach to take for your child. If your concerns about your child’s special educational needs are being dismissed or you’re feeling like an interfering parent, despite valid concerns, our lawyers can help you see the progress your child needs.

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Obtaining a EHCP

Our SEN Solicitors can help from the very first step to getting the right educational provision for your child, which is to obtain an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). This is a legal document setting out their special educational needs, health needs, social care needs and educational provision. This document enables you to hold your Local Authority accountable for providing the correct educational package.

Without an EHCP is difficult to be clear about what your child’s special needs are and what provision they need.

Richard Nelson's office

What if my child has an EHCP already?

Our SEN Solicitors will scrutinise it and help you to ask key questions. Is the provision clear, specific and quantified? Does it fully describe your child’s needs? Does it contain all the provisions they need to progress? If not then you may find it difficult to ensure that your child gets the education they really need.

We can check your plan, advise on its effectiveness and provide you with advice on how to get changes made to the EHCP or appeal on your behalf if necessary.

Richard Nelson LLP’s SEN solicitors can provide help and advice in the following areas:
EHCP applications
EHC assessments
EHCP appeals
– EHCP tribunals

Our team also offers a range of education law services for teachers, parents and students.

Specialist solicitors

Our multidisciplinary team is made up of specialists in a wide range of services, which means you'll always be represented by an expert in your area.

No-strings initial call

Get in touch to arrange a no-obligation, fully confidential call to discuss your case and work out if you want to continue.

Nationwide support

Speak to solicitors in one of our offices throughout England and Wales, or arrange calls and remote meetings.


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