Education Lawyers for Teachers
Our expert lawyers for teachers provide specialist representation for teachers who have been referred to the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) for an investigation into allegations of professional misconduct. We have a nationwide client base and so can assist with legal representation for teachers regardless of your geographical location. Our team of TRA lawyers is dedicated and experienced in providing legal advice for teachers. We have experience of working with schools as parent governors which gives us an additional insight into schools and their policies and procedures. Our TRA lawyers will work tirelessly to ensure that you are robustly defended to achieve the best possible outcome in your case.
What do our Lawyers for Teachers do?
Our lawyers for teachers have experience in:
- Advising teachers from the beginning of an investigation in a school setting, to ensure that a clear defence strategy is set from the outset.
- Preparing written representations to defend an application by the TRA for an Interim Prohibition Order (IPO), which if granted would prevent a teacher from teaching during the duration of the TRA’s investigation.
- Preparing a written response to the allegations against a teacher, for consideration by the TRA’s Determination Panel.
- Providing full legal representation before the TRA’s Professional Conduct Panel.
- Making representations to the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
- Applying to the TRA to have a Prohibition Order set aside after the requisite period of time has lapsed.
- Advising about the merits of an appeal of a decision by the TRA’s Professional Conduct Panel.
- Conducting an appeal of a decision of the TRA at the High Court.
From the outset of what was a stressful and confusing situation, Marie Dancer handled my case impeccably; with the utmost professionalism and a genuine sense of caring and empathy. I contacted her at very short notice when I felt there was no hope in resolving my fitness to practise case.... She reassured me, answered my queries promptly as and when I raised them and worked tirelessly over the Christmas break to ensure we made the deadline for submission in my case. What made the difference – as opposed to other legal firms I had contacted, is she actually believed in me. Suffice it to say, we won the case and a successful result was obtained – in a very short time scale. I cannot recommend Richard Nelson LLP as a practise highly enough but more than that, I cannot sing Marie’s praises highly enough. She quite literally turned my professional life around. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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TRA Information
Who might refer a teacher to the TRA?
Referrals can be from a variety of sources but are commonly made by schools, the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), the police, other regulated professionals as well as parents.
What sort of allegations will the TRA investigate?
The TRA only consider allegations relating to serious misconduct by a teacher. They will not investigate allegations relating to a teacher’s competence, underperformance or a teacher’s health.
When considering allegations against a teacher of serious misconduct, the TRA will decide if a teacher’s behaviour is potentially fundamentally incompatible with the teacher being allowed to continue to teach. If so, the TRA will decide whether it is necessary to impose a prohibition order, to prevent a teacher from teaching, whilst they investigate the allegations against the teacher.
What is a teacher is the subject of a criminal investigation by the police as well as an investigation by the TRA?
With Richard Nelson LLP you will benefit from a multi-disciplinary team, comprising lawyers for teachers and criminal defence lawyers, who specialise in representing professionals. This enables us, where necessary, to provide effective representation for teachers who face criminal investigations by the police. Our team are experienced at representing teachers in police interviews under caution as well as representing teachers before the Magistrates and Crown Court in any criminal proceedings, should it become necessary to do so.
Because we understand the significance of a caution or conviction for any teacher we will work hard to defend your case. Our multi-disciplinary approach ensures that when defending a criminal allegation, we will not harm your position before the TRA. We fully understand the difficulties that you will face as a teacher, both professionally and personally. Sadly, we have experienced instances where general criminal lawyers have focused solely on a criminal matter, without appreciation of the broader professional issues for a teacher.
How can we help a teacher being investigated by the TRA?
Throughout an investigation by the TRA, our experienced lawyers for teachers will provide you with specialist legal representation. We understand the stress you face when you are subjected to a TRA investigation and the far-reaching consequences for your career, reputation and personal life, when your suitability to be a teacher is called into question. We will work closely with you, taking a proactive approach, to secure you the best possible outcome.
Drawing on our extensive experience we prepare robust defences to support denied allegations and where necessary we will present the Panel with compelling mitigation on your behalf.
We have experience of defending sensitive allegations against teachers, including allegations that conduct was sexually motivated.
We understand that the TRA often impose tight deadlines and we are used to working on cases at short notice where necessary.
Our expert defence lawyers for teachers are experienced at providing teachers with legal advice and representation in a range of regulatory issues:
– TRA Investigation
– Written representations for the TRA’s Determination Panel
– Representation before a Professional Conduct Panel of the TRA
– Written representations against Interim Prohibition Orders
– TRA Hearings
– TRA Appeals
– Application for the removal of a Prohibition Order
– Criminal investigations and proceedings
– Employer’s disciplinary hearings
Specialist solicitors
Our multidisciplinary team is made up of specialists in a wide range of services, which means you'll always be represented by an expert in your area.
No-strings initial call
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Nationwide support
Speak to solicitors in one of our offices throughout England and Wales, or arrange calls and remote meetings.
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