Avoiding the DBS barred lists
When someone has received a Minded to Bar or Intention to Bar letter from the DBS, the question I am often asked is ‘what are the chances of me not being placed on a barred list?’ Although answering that on an individual case basis depends on many factors, the DBS has released some statistics that help us to state how effective we are at helping our clients.
The DBS initiates around 13,000 barring cases each year. Out of those 13,000 cases, only 700 people a year receive a No Further Action decision. That is just over 5%.
Although a good number of those 13,000 cases qualify for automatic inclusion on a barred list, those receiving a Minded to Bar or Intention to Bar letter get the opportunity to make representations against being included. It is clear to us from the low success rate published by the DBS that many of these people have ended up on the barred list needlessly, either by submitting inadequate representations or by not submitting any at all.
The DBS use specific criteria to assess the risk posed by a person when making their decision. If this is not properly argued in a full written response, then the statistics show that the chance of failure is high. However, with our help to draft and submit the right representations, this need not be the case.
Almost 70% of our clients receive No Further Action decisions and have not been placed on any barred list.
As being on a barred list is effectively for life and often destroys careers and livelihoods, the benefits of responding to the DBS in the most effective way possible at the earliest stage, are obvious. We will ensure your case is properly and fully argued and our statistics prove we are very successful in what we do.
We are here to help. Call our DBS department on 0333 8884040 or contact us online today. We can make the difference you need. If you’d like to learn more before getting in touch, head over to our DBS appeals page.