Workplace Discrimination Solicitors

Richard Nelson LLP’s workplace discrimination solicitors help employees to tackle this incredibly serious issue, in whatever form it has taken within your particular circumstances. We can offer advice on your particular situation, prepare you for difficult meetings or support you in taking the matter to court.

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Discrimination at Work

The Equality Act 2010 states that discrimination against employees must be related to one of the predefined ‘protected characteristics’ such as:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender Reassignment
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
- Marriage or civil partnership
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race or ethnicity
- Religion or belief

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Types of Workplace Discrimination

Direct Discrimination

Direct discrimination is when an employee is being treated differently or worse than other employees because of their protected characteristics, as listed above.

An employer refusing to promote someone because they have a disability is an example of direct discrimination.

Indirect Discrimination

Indirect discrimination is when a workplace practice, policy or rule applies to all staff but puts some employees at a disadvantage.

An employer introducing an overtime policy that cannot be adhered to by employees that are parents is a typical example of indirect discrimination. This is likely to affect women more than men.


Harassment in the workplace is when an employer or colleague(s) behaves in a manner that offends an employee or makes them feel intimidated. Harassment can take many forms, such as bullying, abusive comments, jokes, gestures or graffiti on your belongings.

An employee posting offensive messages about their colleagues on social media is a form of harassment.


Victimisation is when an employee is seemingly treated worse as a consequence of complaining about discrimination against themselves or another employee in the first place.

For example, an employee might have made a sexual discrimination complaint against their employer. If the employee were then to be denied a promotion as a perceived result of this complaint, the offence would then be classed as victimisation.

Failure To Make Reasonable Adjustments

Employees with physical or mental disabilities have the right to request that their employer makes reasonable adjustments to accommodate any disadvantages caused by their disability.

For instance, a dyslexic employee requesting more time to complete a written work task is a reasonable request for adjustment. If their employer then refused this request, this would be seen as a failure to make reasonable adjustments.

Making A Discrimination Claim

Making a discrimination claim can be intimidating when you feel like everything is stacked against you. Discrimination at work often takes place due to an employer’s or colleague’s internal prejudices that they would not admit to themselves or in court.

If you believe you have fallen victim to discrimination at work, please do not hesitate to get in touch by using the enquiry form on this page. Our specialist team of workplace discrimination solicitors have a proven track record of representing employees in Employment Tribunals to ensure the best outcome possible.

Paying For Discrimination Solicitors

An Employment Tribunal expects each party to pay its own legal fees regardless of the outcome of the case. For more information, read our workplace discrimination solicitors’ pricing information.

For employees, we may be able to act for you on a “no win, no fee” basis, under a Damages-Based Agreement. However, this will be dependent on your case and the specifics of what’s involved.

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How Richard Nelson LLP Can Help You

Workplace discrimination cases can be difficult to face alone. Our employment solicitors will work with you through as much of the process as necessary to ensure that you always have the legal support and advice you need to achieve the right result in your case.

We are happy to arrange a face to face meeting with you or to speak remotely – whatever will make the process as helpful as it can be for you. Get in touch with us via the contact form to start the conversation.

Specialist solicitors

Our multidisciplinary team is made up of specialists in a wide range of services, which means you'll always be represented by an expert in your area.

No-strings initial call

Get in touch to arrange a no-obligation, fully confidential call to discuss your case and work out if you want to continue.

Nationwide support

Speak to solicitors in one of our offices throughout England and Wales, or arrange calls and remote meetings.


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