NMC Lawyers

If you are a nurse or midwife registered with the NMC, or applying for registration or restoration, we can support you in a variety of fitness to practise issues.


Defence Lawyers for Nurses and Midwives

Our NMC lawyers provide specialist legal representation for nurses and midwives who are facing NMC fitness to practise investigations, interim orders, disciplinary hearings or investigations by their employer. Our experience includes defending;

Our experience includes defending;

- Hospital and community-based nurses and midwives;
- Practice nurses;
- Nurses in private practices;
- Nurses employed by nursing homes.

Our team of NMC lawyers works tirelessly to ensure that a nurse or midwife and their PIN number, are robustly defended. We care about each individual client and strive to obtain the best possible outcome for each person. We have a proven track record of successfully defending nurses and midwives in NMC hearings and investigations.

Contact Us

What is the NMC and what does it do?

The Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC) is the regulator for nurses and midwives in the UK. The NMC’s role is to set and review the standards for education, training, conduct and performance. The NMC is also responsible for investigating allegations of misconduct and impaired fitness to practise.

Legal representation for nurses & midwives

How much does legal representation for nurses and midwives cost?

We are happy to offer nurses and midwives under investigation an initial free telephone consultation so you feel you can contact us with confidence and without obligation. If you then want to instruct us to defend you in your NMC investigation, you will find that we are transparent about our fees from the outset. We usually offer fixed fees bespoke to your specific case and circumstances.

Most of our clients fund their defence privately. Usually, this is because at the time of the alleged incident they were not a member of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) or any other defence organisation or, for various reasons, their defence organisation has refused to assist them. However, if your defence organisation is willing to pay for your legal fees, we are happy to liaise with them, to assist you to instruct our defence lawyers as your solicitor of choice, which you are entitled to insist on.

How can our NMC lawyers help a nurse or midwife who is under investigation?

From the outset of an investigation, we will agree with you a clear defence strategy. We will take a proactive approach to secure you the best possible outcome. Drawing on our extensive experience of NMC investigations and proceedings, we prepare robust defences where allegations are denied. Where necessary, we will present the NMC with compelling mitigation on your behalf.

We have extensive experience of representing nurses and midwives who have been referred for an Interim Orders Hearing. We will fight your corner to ensure that you are given the best prospect of being able to continue to work during the NMC’s ongoing investigation.

Throughout an NMC investigation, our experienced solicitors for nurses and midwives will provide you with specialist legal representation. We understand the stress you face when you are subjected to an NMC investigation and the consequences for your career, reputation and personal life.

What if I am the subject of a criminal investigation by the police as well as an NMC investigation?
We have a multi-disciplinary team, comprised of specialist NMC lawyers and criminal defence solicitors. Our team is experienced at representing nurses and midwives in police station interviews and before the Magistrates or Crown Court, should an investigation proceed to that stage.

We understand the significance of a criminal caution or conviction for any nurse or midwife. We will work tirelessly to defend your case, ensuring when we defend the criminal investigation, we will not jeopardise the NMC’s investigation.

Richard Nelson's office

How long do NMC investigations take?

The length of an NMC investigation varies based on the specifics of the case, and in certain circumstance can take up to a year to complete. During the investigation period, the NMC will collect evidence such as medical records, CCTV footage, and witness testimonies.

Can I avoid an NMC hearing?

The NMC have what they refer to as Consensual Panel Determinations, which can avoid the need for a full fitness to practise hearing. However, a Consensual Panel Determination is normally only possible when the nurse or midwife accepts all the allegations and also agrees that their fitness to practise is impaired.

We have had success with persuading the NMC to engage with Consensual Panel Determinations, whereby we have agreed on the appropriate sanction with the nurse or midwife and the NMC. There is then a short NMC hearing for a Panel to formally approve the agreement.

If you’re interested in exploring the suitability of a Consensual Panel Determination in your case, then please contact our NMC defence lawyers for some initial free legal advice.

What we do

NMC Appeals
– NMC Fitness to Practise
NMC Hearings
NMC Interim Ordes
NMC Registration
NMC Voluntary Removal from the Register

Make an enquiry today

Our team of NMC lawyers appreciates that the legal aspects of nursing and midwifery can be complex. We are happy to provide any nurse or midwife with a free initial telephone consultation, to assess your situation and identify how best we can help you.

If you face an NMC investigation, don’t struggle alone, contact Richard Nelson LLP today.

You can:

– Request a call back using the form on this page.
– phone us during office hours on 0333 888 4040.
– Email us at help@richardnelsonllo.co.uk.

For broader information on NMC Fitness to Practise, visit our dedicated Fitness to Practise page.

Specialist solicitors

Our multidisciplinary team is made up of specialists in a wide range of services, which means you'll always be represented by an expert in your area.

No-strings initial call

Get in touch to arrange a no-obligation, fully confidential call to discuss your case and work out if you want to continue.

Nationwide support

Speak to solicitors in one of our offices throughout England and Wales, or arrange calls and remote meetings.


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