Domestic Abuse and Violence Solicitors
Our domestic violence and abuse have extensive experience of working to support victims. We are on hand to provide confidential legal advice and to help you obtain the right orders to ensure your safety and security. Richard Nelson LLP’s domestic abuse solicitors can provide confidential legal advice to those suffering from domestic violence or abuse. Specifically, we can help you to obtain the legal orders required for victims to stay protected, advising you on the court processes that are involved. If you’re experiencing domestic abuse or have been threatened with violence by your partner, our solicitors are here to help you. The team has specialist knowledge of this area of family law, always acting compassionately and with complete discretion.
Domestic violence solicitors
Domestic abuse can take many forms including physical, mental, emotional, sexual and financial. It is a crime and is not limited to just acts of physical violence. Coercive and controlling behaviour has been a criminal offence since December 2015 and the police can prosecute abusers as well as take protective actions for victims.
At Richard Nelson LLP, we believe that all victims and survivors of domestic abuse should get the support they need to feel safe and move on. Our specialist domestic abuse lawyers can advise you of the legal options such as non-molestation orders and occupation orders to provide you with protection of the court.
Contact UsWhat is domestic abuse?
Domestic abuse is “any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. This can encompass but is not limited to the following: psychological, physical, sexual, financial, emotional abuse as well as controlling and coercive behaviour.”
According to the Office for National Statistics (Crime Survey for England and Wales), it was estimated that 2.4 million adults aged 16 to 74 years experienced domestic violence over the last year, (1.7 million women and 699,000 men).
The police reported 910,980 incidents related to domestic abuse last year, an increase of 7.7% from the previous year.
How can a domestic abuse solicitor help you?
Our solicitors offer compassionate and confidential support to victims of domestic abuse and can assist with applications to the court for a non-molestation order/occupation order, for protection against their abuser.
A non-molestation order is an order which is granted to individuals in circumstances where they fear for their safety. It prohibits the abuser from being violent towards them as well as prohibiting the abuser from pestering, intimidating or harassing them.
An Occupation order, if granted, is an order which can direct who can and cannot live in the family home. In certain circumstances, the court can regulate the occupation of the parties to exclude an abuser from part of the home.
Before the court can grant an order, it must first be convinced that the individual meets the criteria and therefore needs the protection of the court.
In the event an order is granted, a breach of a non-molestation order is a criminal offence and if an abuser is convicted of this offence, then they can be given a fine or imprisoned.
An order can be applied for, if necessary, on an emergency basis. If an application is made then the requirement is to attend court.
Here at Richard Nelson LLP, we also have domestic violence and abuse solicitors who can provide further confidential advice and help you obtain the appropriate orders for your safety.
Additional Support Services
Various support services remain open and victims can get support from a number of charities and agencies. Details of the support available can be accessed on and include the following:
- National Domestic Violence Helpline – telephone: 0808 2000 247 / website:
- Mens Advice Line – telephone 08088010327
- Galop, an LGBT+ domestic abuse service – telephone 0800 9995428 / email:
- Respect, a helpline for men and women who are harming their partners – telephone 0808 8024040
- Karma Nirvana, a helpline for victims of honour-based abuse – telephone 0800 5999247 / email:
- Bright Sky, a free mobile app by Hestia which provides support and information to anyone who may be in an abusive relationship
- Chayn provides online help and resources in a number of languages about identifying manipulative situations.
If you are in immediate danger, please call 999 and ask for the police.
Specialist solicitors
Our multidisciplinary team is made up of specialists in a wide range of services, which means you'll always be represented by an expert in your area.
No-strings initial call
Get in touch to arrange a no-obligation, fully confidential call to discuss your case and work out if you want to continue.
Nationwide support
Speak to solicitors in one of our offices throughout England and Wales, or arrange calls and remote meetings.
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